Plate Link Conveyor

Plate link conveyor


The plate link conveyor is constructed using hinged and overlapping or adjoining steel plates as the conveying belt, which makes it sturdy and malleable enough for handling bulk goods with heavy weights. It is capable of working with tough, heavy and rigid load. This characteristic makes it to be a popular choice among the mining and electricity industries, and the field of solid waste water treatment. Whilst the plate link conveyor is mostly associated with metal plates, they can also be made of plastic or composite which allows it to be favored by the food industry. The plate link conveyor is also applicable for handling automobile waste. Our plate link conveyors typically come with the width of 650, 800, 1000 or 1200 mm.


Our plate link conveyors have the following advantages:

-          Capable of moving weighted commodity

-          Has a wide range of operational temperature

-          Relatively large carrying capacity

-          Long transportation distance

Equipment Overview
